Article number 1102593

Ernie Ball 2593 Flatwound Super Slinky Electric Guitar

Electric guitar strings with a flatwound feel and the Slinky tone 9-42

Ernie Ball 2593 Flatwound Regular Slinky for Electric Guitar

Ernie Ball Slinky Flatwound Electric Guitar Strings combine the classic, roundwound Slinky tone, and effortless playability you love, with the beautifully smooth texture and reduced finger noise of a traditional flatwound.

Wound with a patented cobalt alloy ribbon, the result is a set of strings perfect for any player looking to add an entirely new enhancement to their sonic arsenal.

By using  the Ernie Ball Cobalt Alloy ribbon wire these strings feels flat but got that classic Slinky tone and for the playibility these sets have a plain G string makes it easier to bend and soloing compared to traditional Flatwound strings.

  • E: 009
  • B: 011
  • G: 016
  • D: 024 Flatwound
  • A: 032 Flatwound
  • E: 042Flatwound